Sunday, 30 June 2019

End of Term 2 Student Led Monday Mashup

Paper Planes                                   Cupcakes
                             Nerf guns                                                             Drawing
                                       Drawing                                                    Flips
                                    Karate                                                              Flips
Art on Chromebooks                                    Scratch Programming
Flips                                     Shooting Hoops
                                     Cupcakes                                                 Netball

Once again our students impressed us with their ability to lead Monday Mashup. They showed great leadership and organisational skills.

Do you have any skills which you could share with us?

Saturday, 29 June 2019

Orana Park

We had an amazing trip to Orana Park courtesy of The Warehouse. We learnt about animal communities which link to our inquiry of "Connection'. We learnt lots of amazing facts and we were the first visitors to see the four new Tasmanian devils.

Did you know that by the time our students are adults, the kea will be extinct? So sad....

Our Amazing Peer Tutors

Five of our more experienced writers have trained to be tutors. They have learnt how to support their buddy by discussing ideas and helping with good writing behaviours such as rereading the sentence, sounding out spelling words, adding adjectives and using dictionaries.

I feel very proud when I watch them in action. They are amazing! 

What other skills could they help their buddy with?

We are still blogging...

We are still blogging...but we've moved. Click here to visit our new blog and see the next stage of our learning journey. Comments are ...