Monday 22 June 2020

Tawhirimatea and Tangaroa's Cooking Sessions

Over the last two weeks the Garden to Table groups in Tawhirimatea and Tangaroa have been getting together and cooking some delightful treats. Last week we made Cheesy Spinach Macaroni balls using spinach from the garden. Everyone thought they were fantastic.

This week we made Peach Crumble using the rest of the stewed peaches we had frozen from earlier in the year from our peach trees in the garden. We also decided to bake some bananas with sultanas and brown sugar, we used the bananas we had left over from fruit in schools. A BIG thank you to one of our wonderful teacher aides, Ali, for helping out and keeping our cooks focused.

Sunday 14 June 2020

Chrome Musiclab

Noah S's version of Bad Guy by Billie Eilish

Anika's own creation

Today for Monday Mashup we explore Chrome Music lab. We practised making rhythms, chords and beats. We then used the Songmaker to create our own song.

Have you ever tried Chrome Musiclab? We can highly recommend it!

Sunday 7 June 2020

Badminton for Monday Mashup

Today we returned to the hall to start up badminton for Monday Mashup. After an hour or so everyones skills were lots better with some excellent rallies. Next week we are going to start the Tawhirimatea Badminton Challenge. Students pick their partner and then we will play a tournament to see who will be crowned Tawhirimatea Champions.

Monday Mashup Music

Today for Monday mashup, the children experimented with percussion instruments. They worked in groups of four to make short pieces of music. They investigated how instruments sounded together working with groupings of 4 beats.

We are still blogging...

We are still blogging...but we've moved. Click here to visit our new blog and see the next stage of our learning journey. Comments are ...